NYGG Farewell 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
On thur, we had guides farewell. Was a lil 不在状况内 ... lost track of time... etc etc. Anyways, our patrol corner was rather quiet lol! cos our sec 3s were in charge of farewell and jiayu had dramafest, there was onli hannah, zeke and i left. joined another patrol with no sec 3s/4s... chit chatted a lil and ate.
Then, we had cake-cutting. I LOVED THE CAKE. besides being super yummy, our nygg photo was printed on white chocolate and placed on it. something like last years. it was amusing seeing us find our faces and try to get the piece of cake that had it. lol! took a video thanking ms teng for the cake cos she's in shanghai and had to miss our farewell party :(
Dress up time! This year's theme is PJ paty in space (i have a strong feeling this was huimin's idea :p) We had PJs/modified large Ts with funny alien designs/ goggles/flippers...and antenna hairbands that we got to bring home! We walked on the walkway and posed... stuff like that. those with flippers were funny!
We had the traditional parcel-passing game which unveiled a ring of ferrero rochers and the person who got it had to give it to the person she wants to thank most. In the end, it was given to kakay!! Huier said, "bad choice".. lol!
For the performances, Sec 1s did a parody thingy of all of the sec 4s... omg... hannah impersonated lingxin really well. haha! I still dun really get what was going on when they were acting as me cos i couldnt hear... but it was with suat and had sth to do with S.U.A.T.
Sec 2s did up a montage with messages and sang a song. I really like reading the messages.. they even burnt it into a CD for all of us :) It's quite a pity many sec 2s couldnt come due to dramafest :( Then it was our turn to perform.... o man... totally epic in all the wrong ways... it was the first time many of us was singing that song. I think the juniors had a great time laughing at us though. As for Sec 3s, they sang a song and read a msg to us :) Hui Min then read out this scroll designed like an edict in mandarin... they wanted to end on a sad note... but we all started laughing lol!
The montage came up and we also sang songs. Didnt have a lot of time to spare so we started our hugging cum crying session. i think i was one of the first to cry again... super malu can. I had that feeling during the songs alrd but it was more like an on and off thing. THEN, hannah came and hug me and i started crying lol!
Ah wells, sang a few more songs and then we had to end it cos it was really late alrd. Took patrol photo! there was onli 4 of us la but nvm...
Had batch dinner... sorta... onli around 10 of us... but good enough :) just chatted about school, guides, graduation, JC....
I'm gonna miss being in guides... perhaps after almost half a year of not really being involved in guides stuff, I sorta got a lil more used to not being in guides. But I can't really imagine going into a totally new CCA with a whole new group of ppl. I'm gonna miss NYGG Batch '06 lots :(
quoting xiao en:
As we fade into the dark depths of history... here's a toast to the happy times we've had. Thank you for our memories, batchies. You guys rock.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Overdue pics from PGA badge ceremony :)

sarah, me, ms ong, xiao en!
xian, jie, me, mum :)

Almost all of GOBO10 + lingxin, michelle, sihui, evie, huimin
Guiders and PGA 2009 - xiao en with chopped off legs!

Programme booklet and the pga badge (shiny eh..)