Thursday, June 19, 2008
My ultra late post on bsp camp that happened on.... the first wk of hols. Right.
Anyway, bsp camp was a mixture of real fun and er.... not so fun. The lectures were informative, but I dun think much went in la. Owells. Besides lectures there were games and stuff for us to make friends with students from other schools.
First up were ice-breaking games. We played this straw-and-rubberband game where my group had to stand in a circle and pass rubberbands with a straw we held with our mouths. If you dropped the rubberband, the straw will be cut into half. Btw, we had to stand beside a person of a different gender. So was quite amusing when one of the guys dropped it. Then we had blow wind blow. Forfeits included pole-dancing, chicken dance, 50 commandos, asking for phone numbers from people of the different gender.... o yes... and also proposing to a person of a different gender. LOL
After lectures we had a flag and cheer-making session. My group was called 朝光. Haha, we got this name by each writing a word on a piece of paper and then crumpled it to have a lucky draw. the first two words did not make sense so we opend another one, and another one... until all were opened -_- So these 2 words were the ones that made the most sense. The cheer was written by the guys and the flag by the girls and 2 guys. Finally we finished up :)
Lectures.... then games at night. Was kinda fun just that there was always this gender divide and the guys stuck with guys, girls with girls. First we had this relay thing where we had to do tasks like turning in circles with our flagpole, hoola-hooping, throwing balls.... then a spider web game where we had to pass through a web made of string without touching the string. Then, we went out of the hall and to a netball court where we had to stand on chairs arranged in a line and pass water with a cup held with our mouths. We lined up according to height and obviously i was at the end of the line -_- Next was having to thread a string through our clothes so that we were all "connected", then pass rubberbands using the string.
Later at night, we practiced our item ;) I forgot most of the steps but oh wells managed to revise a little. I just found out that linxi is afraid of the dark. Haha, it's ok linxi.
Next day we had lectures, then preparation for our item. Both for group and school. Our group item had no direction at first but it slowly took shape. The storyline for the final item was not exactly very coherent but nvm.
The storyline goes like this:
A mixed-blood girl is ostrasised by 2 "bimbos" (although they were not actually like bimbos) and 4 nice ppl called the fantastic 4 comes to console her. then we move out a table and make beats while singing to cheer her up. then we will do our group cheer and make beats at the same time. Then it will end.
At night, for the actual performance, we kinda screwed up our group item as we did not repeat our cheer to do the second beat. oh wells. Truth is i didnt coordinate very well with my stamping and cheering then suddenly after the second round we stopped. I look back and saw yc's surprised face but then ys started to shout "wo men shi zhao guang" or sth like that to end. so we just ended.
Then it was the school items. First up was RV if i dint rmb wrongly. They did their mass dance and there was one part we were supposed to do some sorta wave with them but i dun think anyone did. Dunman sang. HCI did this song cum skit thing that started of with "dui mian de nu hai" and two guys started to dance to "luo mi o yu zhu ying tai". Then another guy came to like pull the supposedly "girl" away from the guy but them they ran back together. The song changed to a more upbeat song and they did a dance.
We were the last ones. First was the more "emo" one. The group led by lingkai danced to "apologise". In the mean time our group was in the side stage trying to figure out when we are supposed to go out. There was once they had a pause and I thought we had to go, but then they continued. phew. I almost wanted to run out. When it was our turn, the music could not play. haha. we sorta stoned there for a while until "wu niang" sounded. But then... it was the wrong version, so we made a few mistakes here and there. Then we sang the chorus of "fen xiang".
After all the performances, we had this party thing and we ran all around the hall in lines holding hands. Really like giant snakes haha. I was running like mad la. Then there was this break dance battle between a few guys and we started to form a circle around them. My view was really blocked (expected...) but I managed to get up a chair to watch. But then.... they ended soon after. oh wells, it was cool ;) I think the teachers were really worried for our safety when we were running and standing on chairs (lingyi stood on 6
On the last day, we had a montage and photo-taking :)

Videos from youtube :)
RV's item
Dunman's item
Hwa Chong's item
Nanyang's item
Organizing Team's item
Yep. Overall I had a lot of fun, especially on the performance night :)